If you are having any problems on this website, please look through the FAQ’s below, as most problems can easily be solved.
If you are still experiencing any issues please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will get back to you.
Thank you!
How can I purchase the products on this website?
By selecting the “shop” section of this website you will be taken to the page where you can overview all products we offer.
Simply click on the picture of the product that interests you – you will be taken straight to the page where you can add it to your cart!
Prices are in EURO.
What method of payment do you offer?
Currently you are able to pay via PayPal.
How do I create a PayPal account?
Creating a PayPal account is quick, easy and free!
This link will take you to PayPal’s sign up page.
How do I download the ebook once I have bought it?
After the purchase you will be directed to the confirmation page where you can directly download your own copy. You may download your copy right away via direct download.
The product will also be send to your email (make sure to check the spam folder if it doesn’t appear).