FAQ – I don’t like animals, so why stop eating them?

First of all I have to ask you: are you really really sure? I personally do know some people who claim to not like animals. But, a vegan diet does not ask you to get a pet and be the best pet parent on this planet that has ever existed. It is okay to not […]

What do others say about … Veganism

I personally love looking and reading through quotes. They are wise words by someone who put a lot of thought into expressing something meaningful in only just a few letters. Some inspire, others make one start thinking, and others again are funny. They are written about all kinds of topics: food, relationship, money, life, diets, […]

Why vegan – for the environment & our planet

The common believe that the main reason for the climate change and the huge carbon footprint is the waste gas of cars and other transportation has been stated wrong. According to United Nations Scientists, the meat industry is the leading cause of climate change, water depletion, soil erosion and most other environmental problems.   Greenhouse […]

Why vegan – for the animals

  According to an APPA survey the estimated number of pet dogs and cats living in US households is 163.6 million, which means a lot of people actually do like animals. However, more than 56 billion animals are killed every year for flesh, dairy and eggs. The animals used for food are just as intelligent […]