FAQ – Isn’t it okay to eat eggs from free ranged hens?

First of all, let’s talk about eggs in general. There are eggs that come from hens that spend all their lives caged up in tiny tiny boxes with way to many other hens. They are unable to spread their wings or do anything else they would like to do. Often times they get aggressive and […]

FAQ – What’s wrong with consuming dairy and eggs?

When I was a vegetarian I thought I was doing everything I could to prevent any animals from being hurt or killed. I didn’t even think about how consuming eggs, milk or any other dairy product could harm them, or even cause their deaths. When I finally educated myself I couldn’t believe what really was […]

Why vegan – for your health

The health issue is a huge reason for people to ditch all animal products. Our whole lives we get told that animal products are necessary and healthy for our body. Someone actually told me that teenagers and young adults (people under 25) who stop consuming animal products harm their bodies. There are countless of those […]

Why vegan – for the animals

  According to an APPA survey the estimated number of pet dogs and cats living in US households is 163.6 million, which means a lot of people actually do like animals. However, more than 56 billion animals are killed every year for flesh, dairy and eggs. The animals used for food are just as intelligent […]